Home Tool Life Optimizer
The Optimizer is for quick comparison of various current states (Theretical, Average, Latest) and for predicting, planning, and adjusting Future state. Data is pulled from the Operation's Engineering and any Active or Inactive (completed) Production sessions.

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The following rows display general productivity measurements. You can click any row title to compare states, and you can adjust Future state for most rows.
Future vs. Latest vs. Average vs. Theoretical states
The sliders below allow you to compare Theretical, Average, and Latest states with an adjustable or calculated Future state. The sliders are stacked for comparison, with Future on top, until you click the row title to compare states. The latest state captures only the most recent production session.
Tool Life (s)
The following rows display Tool Life (tool change frequency in seconds) for all relevant tools. You can click any row title to compare states, and you can adjust Future state for any tool.
Per Part ($)
The following rows display costs, revenue, and profit on a Per Part basis. You can click any row title to compare states.
Per Hour ($)
The following rows display costs, revenue, and profit on a Per Hour basis. You can click any row title to compare states.

Interpret with Caution     The Theoretical state is only as accurate as your part Engineering. The Average and Latest states are only as sound as the underlying Production data. Please take into account your production data's time span, volume, and consistency before making inferences. Initial values for the Future state are intended to be simple predictions, not suggestions. Use the Optimizer to understand the relative effect various factors are having on your bottom line.

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